Zlatá Koruna

Distance from Český Krumlov 8 km NE.

This is an expansive Cistercian monasstery, one of the largest in our territory. It was established in 1263 by the Bohemian king Přemysl Otakar II with the aim of demonstrating his sovereign power over the South Bohemian House of Vítkovec. The Gothic monastery complex grew for almost one hundred years and was then expanded futher during later renovations. The Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary (chrám Nanebevzetí Panny Marie), which is adjacent to the convent and the nearby unique multi-storeyed Chapel of the Guardian Angels (kaple Andělů strážných), towers over the other buildings. The monastery is open to the public.

Zlatá Koruna, Tips on trips Český Krumlov