
This is a village with an expansive common, which is surrounded by uniquely preserved rows of walled homesteads with decorated gables dating from the 19th century. This unique se of folk architecture in the style of the so-called rustic Baroque has been entered in the UNESCO international cultural heritage list since 1998. Peasant Celebrations (Selské slavnosti) take place here every year at the end of July, at which dozens of folk craftspeople and artists offer their wares. Impressive examples of rustic Baroque can also be found in many other villages in the Hluboká area (for example Plástovice, Malé Chrášťany and Zbudov) or in the area of the Soběslav Moors (Soběslavská Blata) (Komárov, Klečaty, Mažice, Vlastiboř, Zálší and so on).

Holašovice, Tips on trips Český Krumlov